Thursday, July 24, 2008

Have you ever wonder what is a mirror relect our look as we usually do. Last month, I was very down due to some relationship problem. It ended on a rainy day, she ask for a break up. I really struggle to let go off this relationship as i really love it. She has been a piece of jigsaw in my heart; a jigsaw puzzle won't be beautiful if missing one piece. This thing needs time to recover.....I look back to find what is the problem behind our relationship. While I was thinking, I walked to the bathroom. Then I looked into the mirror.....I realise that mirror is reflect who we are and what we have.....we may look into the mirror in different ways just as how people view us. Seriously, we hardly listen to people's advice....human nature...I saw my weakness....I should appreciate her more....we never face the problem but rather choose to ran really time for me to learn how to be least I manage to see my relationship with her in another view after things ended....learn through mistake....i had a big of biggest fall in my pain no gain....Im too ignorance towards surrounding....Wake-up time for me....Is time to see the mirror and change what i should change.....Mirror....

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